I’m stalking Carp, and Heat stroke is stalking me

The quarryI did my research, easing myself through underbrush and around the old tires, like a sweaty phantom, only perspiration betraying my passing.

Carp in low water are worse than trout. A mud “flower” and a V-wake headed elsewhere is what I got for my troubles. The temperature is limiting my time afield, as it was nearly 100 degrees on my arrival, and the mercury is climbing fast.

I am going to have to rethink this … as I had to pull myself off the water after exploring for only an hour. Saw carp to 6 or 7 lbs rutting about in the mud, they saw me first in most cases. No opportunity to even cast, they had relocated to another zip code.

First thing to go are the chest waders, that’s a purely defensive ploy, as there is nothing like walking back to the car wearing an unbreathable prophylactic. Temperatures at 11AM hovered around 106, and my order for hip boots is inbound, via UPS.

Them paintballers may have the right idea, some face paint and camouflage fatigues, although I may have an issue with my mascara running…

I was surprised to find that the regulations on Grass Carp require their immediate release. It may be related to the “heavy metal” issue of the local watershed, I was hoping to put that metal to use by melting some of the backing off the reel, but it appears I am melting first.

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5 thoughts on “I’m stalking Carp, and Heat stroke is stalking me

  1. Pingback:   I’m stalking Carp, and Heat stroke is stalking me by medTRIALS.info

  2. San Mateo Joe

    Why is there no mention of what must have been the best part of this adventure, that being the cold, crisp, refreshing beer you must have had waiting in the cooler back at the truck? You did bring beer, didn’t you?

  3. KBarton10 Post author

    This is brownlining, which means while the beer is chilling back at the truck – the entire neighborhood helps themselves to it in your absense..

  4. San Mateo Joe

    You need to think like the paintballers and try a little camouflage. Try plastering your cooler with “Biohazard” and “Warning: Human Body Parts” stickers. A little beef liver in a zip lock right on top of the ice usually prevents most people from digging any further. Make sure you save your receipt, just in case the law shows up and asks any questions.

  5. Carpius

    Why are you wearing waders with 106′ air temp??? I’m usually wet wading when air temp is in the 70’s, and yes muted earth tone clothing works when stalking them……and the discipline to move very slow.

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