This is Petey

Petey sees the fillet knife and shudders

This is Petey, a small innocent juvenile brook trout with his entire life ahead of him. His only crime was getting too close to an enraged angler, now he is cowering in the dark, knowing his fate is uncertain.

Petey really wants to frolic in a cold trout stream, chasing mayfly nymphs and fulfilling his destiny. Instead, Petey is the Official Char of the Trout Underground blog – who is giving away a genuine Maine Canoe-hat. Unless said hat arrives on my doorstep by noon friday…

Petey’s fate…That’s right, Petey Gets it!

Now let’s see whether TC can extricate himself from this bind, his Ma wants the hat, duty and honor dictate he surrender it, but Petey’s life hangs by a thread….


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