What’s a meta for

Sinister offshore Phisherman“Protect yourself from ‘phishing‘ attacks, don’t be lured by false web sites attempting to net your personal information.”

Is the indiscriminant use of angling metaphor proof that we have insinuated ourselves into every walk of life, every tier of society, and that our quest for world domination is nearly complete? 

Or is it merely that we’ve spawned societal intolerance, and are nearly on par with lawyers as the perennial joke-butt?

“There’s a ton of cash on the sidelines, and people are willing to bottom fish.”

“Police netted 13 arrests, a gun and drugs.”

Wall Street, neatly landed in our camp, and law enforcement appears to have taken the bait, all we need do is get our hooks in some politicians, snag a judge or two and we can bring the electoral process to hand.

The converse is unbearable to consider –  lawyers have had a decade to shrug off the harpoons of their detractors. Anglers are an impetuous tempermental lot, prone to being caught off guard, and sent reeling in disarray by public censure.

SingleBarbed opens another can of worms, and catches Hell in the process…