Monthly Archives: July 2007

And the Fishing God smiled

manzanita_lake1.jpgI managed to pry myself from all of the things I was supposed to do, and get a little fishing done. It was a Jiffo-Whip trip, meaning more hours were spent driving than fishing, but it was a welcome and much needed respite.

I hit Manzanita Lake in time for the Calibaetis grab, but it was not to be. Winds gusting to 25-30 mph meant the bugs stayed doggo, with only a smattering of working fish. I managed to tease one 15″ rainbow to hand with a parachute dry, fooled another of similar size with a Pheasant Tail nymph. Activity was sporadic, with no insects visible. Had about 8 grabs total, and I was late on most of them.

Overheard one fellow mention, ” 2 on a streamer, 2 on a nymph, and one on a dry.” Saw one fellow float tubing that landed about 6 fish on a nymph with floating line. Most of the comments ended with, “%$##& Wind.”

In short, no hatch, moderate sunburn, relentless driving, strong winds, and I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday.

Test the McMuffin

eggmcmuffin.jpgOf course there isn’t cardboard in Pork Buns, they shot the last fellow that tried that.  Taking a page from the Chinese, had there been fishermen in charge, we would have done the same thing to Bernie Ebbers, and all them Enron executives . To make the punishment uniquely American, it would have been a Pay-Per-View event.

No, what they need to test for cardboard is the heat-lamped Egg McMuffin.

Every fisherman I’ve met has a horror story of a pre-dawn indignity, perpetrated on their tastebuds by an unfeeling teenager, grinning wickedly from an armored McDonald’s window.

Like you, I wear the scars. Scalding black, coffeelike-substance, spilt on crotch or thigh,  in a vain attempt to restore breathing after swallowing the egg-cardboard combo while doing 70+ in a 55 zone. 

Fisherman and non-fisherman alike will agree that too big a bite of an Egg McMuffin, where you get part of the box in the mouthful, will not change the flavor of the completed sandwich.

That’s proof enough for me. I don’t want sympathy or legal action, a front row seat will do fine.

Anglers and the Body Politic

teddy.jpgWe are assaulted each day by whom the Yellow Journalists would have us fear. Today I cannot trust; catholic priests, school teachers, online gaming parents, politicians, and spinach.

Hell, we knew about politicians, and every kid knows spinach is contemplating world domination – what was conspicuously absent from each media piece was the label, “fisherman.”

Are fishermen the new high water mark for morality? Not the religious-right flavor, perhaps “normality” is a better word. If true, are we prepared to assume that lofty mantle for the rest of civilization? Jerry Falwell wielded the Moral Majority into a ponderous political lobby, can we do less?

The election is fast approaching. Candidates we can decide later, as every fisherman I know is a dissembler, incapable of measurement in either metric or standard, they should do exceptionally well in Washington.

progressive.gifThe 2008 Bull Moose Platform

Free trade with Canada and Mexico, remove all barriers to fish immigration, only stop all water leaving the US at the border.

Space is too damn expensive. Redirect Lockheed and Northrup Grumman to develop a superstrain of Eastern Brook Trout. Bonus payments if they use stem cells. PETA will balk, but the “Char Wars” program must be championed agressively.

To reduce our dependance on foreign oil, withdraw our troops from Iraq and redeploy them to New Zealand and Argentina, grant both statehood.  Now that we have all of the big Brown Trout, we can form a cartel.

I think I have covered both the “red” and “blue” states, anything else before we launch our convention?

The $5.95 dilemma

nylon_thread.jpgThere are only three prices at a fly shop; $5.95, $3.95, and $TrustFund.95 – with fly tying the worst offender.  Miniscule glascine envelopes with brightly colored lint, 13 color choices, and your wife waiting impatiently in the car…

As mentioned before, most of the synthetic materials are retreads from existing industries. The hard part is finding out what that  industry calls them so you can buy in bulk. “Crimp covers” are the brass beads we make bead head flies from; used in the jewelry and bead industry to hide crimp marks on necklaces. Most of them are real gold and silver – so you need to find the copper or brass flavors for real savings.

Polypropylene yarn is available at most fabric stores in the knitting section, it has many industrial uses including automotive trim and upholstery.

I am still tracking down a good source for nylon thread. Most commercial uses are for sizes 2/0 (size 15 to the thread industry) and larger, but at $10.99 for 28,000 yards – it is a steal. On occasion you stumble upon something unanticipated that meshes well with your tying, like these 120 spool wood thread racks – if you can’t put it away where it belongs – you can keep it from underfoot.

Natural materials are also used by other crafters and businesses. The costume industry is dominant for the feather side of the business, taxidermists sell hides and scraps. You have to be careful however – as hides for garments are very expensive.

15 colors of copper wire? I had no idea…

Don’t drink the water


As we are on the subject of water, another interesting tidbit surfaces about a study of the effects of estrogen on Colorado trout.

Specifically, left-over birth control effluent is the root of a number of Evils, including the creation of “Metrosexual” trout.  A 123 fish sample of Boulder Creek – below Boulder’s sewage plant yielded 101 female, 12 male, and 10 “Intersex” fish – showing characteristics of both sexes.

” It’s the first thing I’ve seen as a scientist that’s really scared me..”

While the site and its links are rife with liberal bashing, it is is worth an eyeball.

Metrosexual trout – can this be the real roots of “selective trout?” Females are big, males are small, and the fish we encounter that don’t immediately eat our offering are choosy? I will test this hypothesis by tying a dozen well dressed and perfectly coifed flies – for those choosy occasions.

Chemically Sharpened

fishbowl.jpgBarry Bonds closes on Hank Aaron’s career record, and seems fated to earn an asterisk, Lance Armstrong is accused of doping, even his lack of a testicle is seen as an unfair advantage – so where is the International Gamefish Association (IGFA) and their drug testing policy?

Most anglers are doped to the gills – we know that. But who’s testing the fish?

Olympic squads have their score invalidated if any individual is positive for a banned substance – fishing is certainly a team sport, the difference is one of the “team” is unwilling.

Proof is abundant – even Fly hooks are “chemically sharpened”, yet manufacturers mention only vague references to “solvents” – before vanishing in cloud of tinted-sunglasses, and chauffeured Mercedes.

The water supply is a cocktail of drugs banned by the Olympics, yet the IGFA requires only a sample of tippet and a certified weight to record the catch for posterity.

I smell conspiracy – somewhere in all this is a blue dress, a half dozen Budweiser lobbyists, and Payola.

We the foreign species

poison.jpgI saw that Davis Lake was to be poisoned again. Davis Lake had Northern Pike introduced years ago by anglers unknown, and their potential spread into the California Delta, has most fishery biologists trembling in fear.

My last couple of outings featured prominent signs warning anglers about New Zealand Mud snails , how they might be spread via wader or wading boot.  It appears as if we’re entering a new paradigm, the angler as pollination vector for foreign hosts. 

It is intimidating, what with the mosquitos carrying West Nile virus and Bird Flu, the northward march of Fire ants and Africanized bees, add in Zebra mussels, and Rock Snot, and a side arm seems necessary.

Not minimizing the issue in the slightest, this represents eco-change. Much of it will be for the worst, but what ecosystems and native California species were wiped out with the introduction of Brown Trout (1894), Kamloops Trout (1950), and (1879) Striped Bass

Freshwater is in short supply in most states, so applications of long lived toxic chemicals are out of the question, too many drink it, the rest farm with it. On the surface, it would suggest that once introduced, a foreign species without natural enemies can be slowed, but not eradicated.

Evolution and the process of natural selection are powerful things to tinker with – I would assume that Mother Nature will fight back by making Zebra mussels incredibly tasty to whatever is left.

In the meantime wash your waders – and remember only the cold emptiness of Space has slowed us, and that too appears temporary. Some poor Martian is enjoying  a quiet day afield, unaware that these are the Good Old Days, and fishing was really good before those damn Earthlings showed…

Lightning bolt Inbound

catholicism.jpgI confess to  being disappointed that the Pope invalidated all of the religious doctrine of my youth and middle years. Finding out at this late stage that the “Church of Monday Night Football” was not legitimate made me realize that the dues paid that institution was for naught.

Maturity aided me in selecting a better ecuminical choice, as I became a devout fisherman. While I recognize Izaak Walton is not a diety, since Watergate, faith in anything is a liability.

I will take small exception to the Pope’s comment on other religions, “.. they do not have apostolic succession – the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ’s original apostles.” – If memory serves, the NFL drafts new Bishops each year, amid countless Matthews, Marks, Lukes and Johns…

I get that Pope Benedict is a soccer fan, but I thought all popes fished, why else would they wear the Fisherman’s Ring?

That is a bargain

pure_cashmere.jpgLike any canny shopper I am always prepared to pounce on a bargain, however common sense occasionally overcomes my lust to acquire fly tying supplies.  Many of the synthetic materials we use for flies come from other industries, on occasion I stumble across a lifetime supply, when only a couple hundred yards will do.

Anyone need chenille? Pretty fair deal, 2500 yards for only $14.00 . Five colors available,  Taupe wooly buggers times infinity – 46 lbs available. Need some lead wire for all those buggers? 25lbs is a tad much  for me, but you’ll  need it.

Sometimes I hate Google.

The Apron cometh

addiction_pill.jpgThe most sinister development to date – and is flying neatly under the radar of most of the angling brotherhood.The “anti-addiction” pill is akin to a viral juggernaut, and we sit complacently while our wives, girlfriends, life partners, and significant others, plot our demise.

This is the fate-worse-than-Death, as the pill will likely be sold over the counter, and “Doctor MoM” will be ending all of our “addictions” to Playboy, swearing, Sunday morning football, fishing, and … you guessed it … BEER.

Dubious? Skeptical? Eat this…

Right now, more than 200 addiction medications are being tested.”

Use your fingers; gambling, drugs, smoking, fast cars, fine scotch, cuban cigars… I’m out of ideas at 7 – leaving 193 unnamed addictions they are already testing.


Left to your “better half” your Sundays will now be filled with drapery treatments, scented candles, and the millinery aisle. You laughed when you made her watch re-runs of the Stepford Wives, now your bamboo rod will be holding up her tomato plants.

In 5 to 10 years we will be treating addiction very differently” predicts Nora Valkow, a psychiatrist and Director of the institute of drug abuse.”

Ms. Valkow is the great grandaughter of Leon Trotsky, yes – the Leon Trotsky, beer and fishing are toast, apple pie and Motherhood to follow. You’ve been warned.