And the Fishing God smiled

manzanita_lake1.jpgI managed to pry myself from all of the things I was supposed to do, and get a little fishing done. It was a Jiffo-Whip trip, meaning more hours were spent driving than fishing, but it was a welcome and much needed respite.

I hit Manzanita Lake in time for the Calibaetis grab, but it was not to be. Winds gusting to 25-30 mph meant the bugs stayed doggo, with only a smattering of working fish. I managed to tease one 15″ rainbow to hand with a parachute dry, fooled another of similar size with a Pheasant Tail nymph. Activity was sporadic, with no insects visible. Had about 8 grabs total, and I was late on most of them.

Overheard one fellow mention, ” 2 on a streamer, 2 on a nymph, and one on a dry.” Saw one fellow float tubing that landed about 6 fish on a nymph with floating line. Most of the comments ended with, “%$##& Wind.”

In short, no hatch, moderate sunburn, relentless driving, strong winds, and I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday.