I confess to being disappointed that the Pope invalidated all of the religious doctrine of my youth and middle years. Finding out at this late stage that the “Church of Monday Night Football” was not legitimate made me realize that the dues paid that institution was for naught.
Maturity aided me in selecting a better ecuminical choice, as I became a devout fisherman. While I recognize Izaak Walton is not a diety, since Watergate, faith in anything is a liability.
I will take small exception to the Pope’s comment on other religions, “.. they do not have apostolic succession – the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ’s original apostles.” – If memory serves, the NFL drafts new Bishops each year, amid countless Matthews, Marks, Lukes and Johns…
I get that Pope Benedict is a soccer fan, but I thought all popes fished, why else would they wear the Fisherman’s Ring?