Are the past Masters of fly fishing worthy of a fly named in their honor

beyonce_fly As a means of belittling us fly fisher-types who have spent  a couple lifetimes studying flies and imitating their every move, pop-star Beyonce trumps our ”Teddy” Gordon by getting a horse fly named in her honor

According to the Australian National Insect Collection researcher responsible for officially ‘describing’ the fly as Scaptia (Plinthina) beyonceae, CSIRO’s Bryan Lessard, the fly’s spectacular gold colour makes it the “all time diva of flies”.

– via

… which begs the question, do we need to preserve our living or dead angling masters by renaming the animal kingdom, and what attributes should cause us to petition the Royal & Ancient Bug Society for a name change?

While most of us might want to pass on their legend akin to the Paraleptophlebia RonJeremy, neither your fishing buddies nor science are likely to be that kind …

Reminder: You’re dead and don’t get to pick.

I would think a big “blue bottle” would be an appropriate final tribute to a Brownline master, only because both spent most of their career walking on dung, damp or dry being the only real distinction.

Author and angling great, Ernest Hemingway might get his own Mosquito, given his propensity for sucking on cigars and strong drink, and fishing whenever the aforementioned pairing intersected with branch water or an ocean.

Avarice and ambition have turned fishing’s historically colorful cast from yeasty and wild outdoorsy types – to white collar, politically correct professionals with a passion for six legged sex. Outside of a thinly read book or two, nothing from the last half century is likely to have the personality or the mass appeal for immortalization via bug avatar …

… but there’s hope for the next generation of “sports”. “Them as inherits” are less inclined to follow in our footsteps, and could shrug off a dime stint at a federal penitentiary as light enough to snort …

Only bad boys and born-again Christians being worthy of real fame, given our penchant for looting, gunfire, and confession.

2 thoughts on “Are the past Masters of fly fishing worthy of a fly named in their honor

  1. Yomama

    The problem with curvey celebs is that they tend to have a short self life. In ten years (or ten months) it will be “Britney – Who ?” “Brangelina – what ?” “Silver Paris Hilton” has some resonance, but if we go to more timeless sources, the bible gives us “Madonna,” “Jezebel,” and “Whore of Babylon,” though anglers tend to have better plans for Sundays than leafing through The Good Book. This matter deserves further study !

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