It’s instinctual to shudder at "feel good" product sites

It's the food of the futureManufacturers love sponsoring a “feel good” web site about product that’s made headlines in a sordid fashion, it’s all the rage. 

Then again, some companies just take their lumps;  no “” or “” – those fellows buckled down and are attempting to fix their house – with us left wondering whether they were successful or not.

Our uneasiness rests with the knowledge that none of those conglomerates truly have our interests at heart, and despite all the warm colors and Mom ladling steaming dishes of yumyum to beaming children, it’s still caveat emptor.

The latest offering is, wherein we’re regaled with the benefits and safety that’s farmed salmon; low in PCB’s, no mercury, and sea lice are yesterday’s news.

Feel the Love:

Gray flesh versus warm Pink meat: Because of its secondary effect of turning flesh colors, some have looked upon astaxanthin as a die or a color additive. It is neither. Rather, it is simply a nutrient that happens to turn ova or flesh pink. No worries.

Escapee’s: When farmed Pacific salmon escape they do not compete well in the wild and do not have a high survival rate therefore reducing the chances of competition for food and habitat. No worries.

Crap buildup and oxygen depletion: The effects of the ocean bottom begin to reverse naturally as soon as the fish are fully harvested from a site. No worries.

Digging a little deeper into the site – past all the smiling kiddies and grandmothers, yields all the really gritty stuff. Their response to “extremist” environmental groups and the NY Times, who had the audacity to spill facts on Chilean farms.

… most of which is generated by CounterPoint Strategies, one of many “pit bull” corporate image cleansers.

That’s why I’m always skeptical, peel back the warm exterior and some fellow is telling me;

Reporters are urged to consult with members of the seafood community to provide a fuller picture of the issues involved.

“Fair and unbiased” – someone that eats sunflower seeds and rock mold holding my left hand – and a Blackwater Security skinhead with a hastily typed corporate name tag, holding my right.

5 thoughts on “It’s instinctual to shudder at "feel good" product sites

  1. Trout Underground

    Stuff like this cracks me up. In my ongoing battle with Axis of Evil Member Nestle Waters of North America, I’ve come face-to-face with knucklehead site “” – an assemblage of the oddest “facts” and half-truths bought and paid for by the bottled water industry, then delivered via proxy.

    Of course, I condemn the idea, but for the right money, I’m willing to consider selling out the Trout Underground (perhaps to the graphite fly rod industry).

    You should consider accepting sponsorship, perhaps turning yourself into an advocate for the tweed fly fishing jacket industry.

    Frankly, it would be bracing to free ourselves from the truthiness straitjacket. Money’s money, after all.

  2. KBarton10

    How can I be your best buddy on an enviro piece, yet I’m the scourge of the rod industry on the last?

    Pick a side, dammit – you’re making me dizzy!

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